Meet the ALBA

Meet Christian

Christian G. Alba leads The Alba Law Firm with tenacity. With his background of skills and knowledge, he is swift to get the results needed for clients.

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Involved in an accident? Follow these steps.

Obtain the other driver's insurance information, driver's license information, take pictures of the scene and damage to the vehicles, and contact the police to have an accident report made. Contact us at (281) 990-ALBA.

Auto accident

Forget to Uber? What you can do now.

If you've been ticketed for a DUI or DWI, The Alba Law Firm can provide you with the best possible legal representation in the Greater Houston Area. Contact us at (281) 990-ALBA.


Preparing for your family's future? Estate planning is easy with us.

Estate planning is an important event that shouldn't be taken lightly. The Alba Law Firm has experience handling such situations to cover all of your potential needs. Contact us with any questions!

Estate Planning

Family matters stressing you out? You have options.

If you're looking for legal representation or guidance in a family matter, we have the knowledge to assist you.

Family matters